Our Fun Fitness Program is currently being offered as a ZERO CONTACT option that has been designed specifically for Schools, Daycares, Camps and other organizations who are looking to incorporate more exercise into their curriculum.
We use our "learning through play" method to create high energy, super fun workouts, that are tailored to each individual group's age and skill level. Throughout the class we incorporate learning about why we are doing a particular exercise, which muscle groups in our body we are using and how our body works while we doing the exercise. Also, all of our workouts use little to no equipment and are easy to repeat on your own whenever you need to get the wiggles out!
Benefits of our Fun Fitness Program
Gross and Fine Motor Skill Development
Age Appropriate Fitness
Strength Building
Body Awareness
Spacial Awareness
Names of Basic Muscle Groups
Understanding of Basic Exercise Terminology
Working With a Group
Listening Skills
And More...
EVERY SINGLE CLASS that is booked with our regular pricing, gives us the ability to provide THE EXACT SAME CLASS through our discounted pricing, to children from an underserved community! To learn more about our mission to increase access to quality programming in under-resourced areas, please read our Reopening Announcement or the featured section of the George's Gym News.